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NIA Continues the Success by Holding the Second Class of CCIO Program for Generating Professional Executives to Turn Thailand as A Complete Innovative City

NIA highlights its success by holding the second class of Chief City Innovation Officer (CCIO) Program for building the network of professional executives, improving potential of leaders to be ready for development, and driving Thailand through the innovative city.

Dr.Pun-arj Chairatana, the Executive Director of National Innovation Agency (Public Organization) said that the first class of Chief City Innovation Officer (CCIO) held in 2018 was highly interested by organizational leaders and executives from government and private sectors leading to the network of executives to mutually develop Thailand as well as the exchange of perspectives and experiences on management and participation in managing several cities to become the innovative cities. This led to development of connected areas between innovations and quality of life of communities and societies in many areas of various cities in Thailand for better changes. Since National Innovation Agency (Public Organization) has emphasized on personnel development of leaders who can direct development of Thailand to have knowledge and understanding on innovations that will drive and develop Thailand as well as improving all cities to become the “Innovative Cities”, the second class of Chief City Innovation Officer (CCIO) will be held.

The program of the second year will develop knowledge for improving efficiency of management and developing strategic planning skill by maintaining the content on infrastructure development and improvement that is beneficial for creating innovative eco system, urban development in the context of innovative areas, promoting participation of communities, and connecting cooperation in development among related agencies or organizations. The main focus group is C-Level executives related to City/Urban Development from 6 key target groups including Land developer, Investor, Consultant, Academic and SocialTech & CivicTech

“After completing the program of the first class, there were many executives who were able to apply the obtained knowledge to create innovations related to urban development as well as develop the network of urban development for applying successfully. Consequently, they assembled as a group to establish the Charter on Urban Development for developing many cities in major cities, for example, Chiang Mai, Nakhon Sawan, and Bangkok. Establishment of new urban city companies in major cities were considered as the indicator indicating that the last year’s program truly plays the important role to drive urban development in the form of cooperation and participation of social civic. For the program of the second class, it will be more intensive by improving and adding more contents that are the key of this training, exchanging knowledge and learning from some case studies that are new and interesting issues, and adding project developments on urban development through some workshops with the hope that they will become the model projects for practical urban development. For the second class, it is expected that there will be at least 30 top managers who will be interested in participating in this training program.” Dr. Pun-arj said.

The program of the second class still maintains the actual knowledge provided by some experiences specialists in Thailand and other countries by emphasizing on cooperation between public sector and private sector from local level to national level in order to apply innovations to urban development and national development. The interesting topics of this program are: City of Innovation : DiverCity mentioning on the overall picture of various forms of urban development; UrbanTech for City Transformation mentioning on urban technologies that will help to develop urban; Diversity; Blockchain Technology for Transparency Procurement mentioning on the use of network technology for collecting primary data, etc. Moreover, there will be a study trip in Phuket on Data Science for Innovative City and an overseas study trip in Smart City Expo World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain. This training program will be held during September 28th – December 7th, 2019. For anyone interested, please contact via or
